Sustainability Mission
Sustainable Mission Statement For a Sustainable Future
Our Mission for a Sustainable Future
Carbon Offsets:
Spectraflow is committed to balancing our carbon footprint by helping support carbon reduction projects. We pay a monthly subscription to Terrapass offsetting what we can measure: energy use, travel, shipping, and commuting. TerraPass uses proceeds from member subscriptions to fund greenhouse gas reduction projects such as wind farms and methane digesters. Wind farms bring about a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by displacing electricity that would otherwise come from burning fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas. Methane is a greenhouse gas with a global warming potential about 23 times that of carbon dioxide..
Marin Green Business Certified:
The Green Business Program is a voluntary partnership among business leaders, government agencies and non-profit organizations. It recognizes and promotes businesses that demonstrate continuous compliance with applicable environmental regulations, conserve energy, water, and other materials, implement sound environmental practices that prevent pollution and waste generation, and share environmentally responsible practices with other businesses in our community. The Marin County green business program is part of the Bay Area Green Business Program. There are over 2,750 certified Green Businesses located in the Bay Area.
Toner & Ink Cartridge Recycling:
Spectraflow is dedicated to keeping the products that we sell out of local landfills. We encourage our clients to recycle their inkjet cartridges, toner and hardware by returning them to the manufacturer.
For recycling of Epson inkjet cartridges, please send them to Epson's Recycling Center at the following address:
Epson America, Inc.
Attn: Recycling Center
2350 Stafford Road, Suite 101
Plainfield IN 461682644